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Case Study

Elk Grove Public Library Needed a Multi-Room Hearing Loop

Elk Grove Public Library - Exterior Fron

Client: Elk Grove Public Library


Venue: 57’ x 30’ multipurpose room that can be divided into up to three separate spaces. Wide range of activities with many presentations and group meetings.

Challenge: The use of this room is such that rooms could be divided up in a number of ways. Therefore, Elk Grove Public Library needed a flexible hearing loop system that would work in one space without interfering with the space next to it when the rooms were divided. And all three hearing loops needed to work in unison when the three spaces are used as one large room. 


Solution: Thunder Hearing & Sound designed a flexible hearing loop system that would match the use of the space. Three separate hearing loop zones were used to match the spaces. Computer modeling was used to design the loop wire layout of each space to make sure the proper balance of spill control between spaces and coverage within each space was correct. Great care was taken to ensure each space had the correct polarity/current flow. This step is often missed by even experienced installers and hearing loop driver manufactures. However, the outcome by missing this step makes for areas with sub-standard signal levels when all the spaces are used together.

Results: Because of Thunder Hearing & Sound’s attention to detail and experience the project was completed easily and on time. The owner received a system that was easy to use and worked flawlessly for users.

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